Friday, January 30, 2009

Birth of a Blog

I am a real estate broker in New York City. It should come as no surprise that I deal with real estate professionals, buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants on a daily basis. What may surprise you is that a large percentage of these people are utterly clueless as to what they are doing and why they are doing it.

The dirty secret is that virtually all buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants – and most real estate “professionals” – don’t have the faintest idea of the underlying forces at work shaping and directing the course of all transactions.

So what?

The “So what?” is money. A lot of money. Wasted money. Your money. The saddest thing is that ignorance is bliss, and for the most part the people who have lost the most money either don’t realize that they have indeed squandered their hard earned capital, or if they do, their understanding of why or where it went is misguided and they are doomed to repeat their mistakes time after time.

I am going to change this. I want my business to be run smoothly, and frankly I want to deal with people who are prepared. This makes everyone’s life easier, and smiles all around are what’s best for me. Yes, I said me. I count too, and I will cover exactly how and why your broker is vitally important to you and your wallet in agonizing detail here.

I hope you’ll stick with me as I disect "conventional wisdom" in what I promise to be a brutally honest insider’s look into one of the most misunderstood processes we all participate in one way or another.

Reach me at